look ma, no hair

I shaved my head a couple of days ago, in preparation for more difficult travel. I kind of like the way it feels. I don't leave it exposed like this, usually -- too many mosquitos and too much sun. I've been wearing big bandana, which I'm also kind of liking. No, I'm not becoming some kind of monk or anything, silly rabbits. I just don't want lice or anything else. I want to keep my head cool and I won't be able to cut my hair for a while. I tried to get this done by a street stand guy, but he didn't really understand and I ended up having to shave it all by myself in the bathroom, unable to see what I was doing. It took more than two hours.
By the way, getting a haircut and/or shave on the street is quite an experience. I don't recommend it. Matthias told me it was great, but he must have gone somewhere else. Mine cost Rs. 25, a little over 50 cents, for a haircut and a total facial shave. I don't know how they did it because I just closed my eyes and silently chanted little ad hoc mantras about how the worst thing you could get from a dirty razor isn't all that bad and how I know he won't cut me the same way I know that in spite of Newtonian physics autorickshaw drivers won't crash, etc. I was covered in a dampish towel that looked and smelled as if it been used for at least that whole day without being changed or washed. I didn't see much, but I smelled it all. About 12 different things, ranging from absolutely awful (think dirty diaper) to perfumed dust - he covered my face in about three different things like that. I admired the guy's dexterity and craftsmanship. I did, however, wash thoroughly as soon as I got home.
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