20 March 2006

hello hello

whereStill here, still trucking. Somewhere in Uttar Pradesh, northwest of Mathura, birthplace of Krishna. Having an extremely difficult time finding enough electricity to do any internet updating, even for bhopal.net. I am right now, however, sending a bunch of photos and text to Indra, the webmaster, to put up there, so you can check. I just can't do it twice. The only way I'm going to be able to tell you all about everything that's going on is to wait until well after it's all over and put together big thing of photos and writing. Things have been very frustrating lately, also rewarding, too, yes. U.P. is not so attractive. People are harsh and I've never seen so much human shit in my life. The road is just totally lined with it, all in different stages of being baked by the sun. Everyone just shits on the road, and we walk on it. Little detail. Not the most significant one. Gotta run, no privacy, ever. Kind of bugging me, but that's what I've got to work with, so I am... Much, much, much more later. We will be in Delhi next week and I will probably be doing a lot of writing from there, inbetween dodging cops and whatnot. Ciao for now, M.M.

Check bhopal.net! lots of cool photos!


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