Into the Woods, again...

Ok, I didn't get to write any more while in Gwalior. Too much stuff going on and everyone needs to be on the computer at once.
I did spend a lot of time today writing the blog entry for, Please check it out to see what the real deal is and see some of the photos I've been taking-- don't have time to tell it all again:
I should not that the blog entries pass through at least one other person (the webmaster and an excellent writer) before they go up there, so it's not always my exact wording. Becky is also contributing blog material, too. Anyway, this latest post is about 8
We leave in just about 6 hours, 5 a.m. for Banmore, where we will spend some time trying to make ties with the local people, who are pretty choked up on toxic sludge from a bunch of industrial activity in and around the town. Then on to Morena and out of M.P., through Rajasthan, and into Uttar Pradesh -- Agra and the Taj Mahal (that's going to be a really weird tourist scene after this...). We have to get to Agra in just 3 days. 110 km. It's going to be brutal. That stretch of land is also, apparently, more dangerous and more dry of water than what we just passed through. So, that's the deal -- I will probably be completely unable to communicate until I am approaching Agra in a few days.
Fever has mostly subsided. Still tired. Maude has rejoined the group and that is just a wonderful thing. Good friend, much needed now for keeping us all sane.
Gwalior is a good place, by the way. I'd like to come back before I leave India this time. No tourists, people treat me well (i.e. they ignore me) and really interesting street scene and architecture. Come to places like this if you come to India. It's got an airport if you want to skip the bandit zones on either side of it.
I'm going to try to upload a few photos but I can't make any promises -- extremely slow connection.
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