17 April 2006

Newsflash: Activism Works

And we win!!

A few people from the group went to meet with the Prime Minister this evening and came back with the news that the Central Government has agreed to meet 4 of the 6 demands we brought to Delhi. The hunger strike has ended, and everyone has been drumming, clapping, and singing on the streets by Jantar Mantar. Lots of hugs and tears. I've rarely seen anything as beautiful as the smiles I saw today on the faces of these people from Bhopal.

I am trying to get some photos uploaded to here and to Bhopal.net, but alas -- it's hard to get stuff like that done in India! I've probably mentioned that before...

There is a downside -- the two demands the Prime Minister refuses to act upon are the ones that are directed against Dow Chemical. He says he is powerless against them. (I love the Indian government - they just say it exactly as it is). The press release is available here: http://www.bhopal.net/blog_pr/

The demands that are most immediately important to the people of Bhopal are the ones being met -- getting clean water in there, cleaning up the poisons, medical and economic rehabilitation, and including the truth about Bhopal in school curricula all over India.

The demands most important to the broader battle, however, are yet to be won -- no precedent-setting stand against corporate crime will take place today, and more Bhopals will continue to happen all over the globe, some fast and dramatic like in this case, others slow and insidious, but all with impunity. The bad news for Dow today, though, and the good news for you and me and everyone else is that almost all the resources of those fighting for justice in Bhopal will be directed towards fighting Dow from now on -- Dow and all the other transnational corporations trying to make a buck off of India's desperation, disorganization, and corruption of leadership.

Vigilance is more important now, even more than before. We have to make sure they follow through on these promises, because they're already cashing in on the good PR.

But everyone here is feeling very, very, good tonight. In this ocean of trouble and suffering, tonight there is a ripple of happiness, relief, and a little bit of justice. So, put on your favorite song and dance!

love, M


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